Oz Jokes & Humour
study of painting.
you be after you be eight.
BACTERIA......................................Back door to
BARIUM.........................................What doctors do
when patients die
BUNION........................................Pauls surname.
CATSCAN.......................................Searching for
CAUTERIZE....................................Made eye contact
with her.
COLIC...........................................A sheep dog.
COMA............................................A punctuation
Washington is.
DILATE..........................................To live longer.
DOSE.............................................A short sleep.
ENEMA...........................................Not a friend.
FESTER..........................................Quicker than
someone else.
FIBULA...........................................A small lie
GENITAL........................................Non Jew
G.I.SERIES......................................World series of
military baseball.
HANGNAIL.......................................What you hang your
coat on
HERNIA.........................................Pertaining to a
females knee.
well known.
LABOUR PAIN...................................Getting hurt at
MEDICAL STAFF................................A doctors cane.
MORBID...........................................A higher offer
than I bid.
NITRATES........................................Cheaper than day
NODE..............................................I knew it.
OUTPATIENT....................................A person who has
OVA...............................................Finished; done
PAP SMEAR......................................A fatherhood test
PARADOX......................................Two doctors.
PELVIS............................................Second cousin
to Elvis.
POST OPERATIVE..............................A letter carrier.
RECOVERY ROOM..............................Place to do uphostery.
RECTUM...........................................Damn near killed
SECRETION......................................Hiding something.
SEIZURE..........................................Roman emperor
SPERM............................................To reject, look
TABLET............................................A small table.
TERMINAL ILLNESS...........................Getting sick at the
TUMOUR..........................................More than one.
URINE.............................................Opposite of
Do you know what
it says on the bottom of a soft drink bottle in Australia ?.
'Open other end'
Sign in a Sydney deli, "Mothers are asked not to sit their children on the bacon slicer, as we are getting a little behind with the orders.
Why are Aussie
mothers so strong and broad shouldered ?
From raising dumb-bells.
Did you hear
about the Aussie who asked to be buried at sea ?
His son drowned trying to dig the grave.
An Aussie woman
went into the Chemist shop and asked for some soap.
"Madam," said the Chemist, "Do you want it scented
or unscented?"
She replied, "If you don't mind, I'll take it with me".
At the Sydney Bankruptcy court,
Ausyralia's worst gambler admitted to losing his last $600 on the
Melbourne Cup.
He lost $200 on the race and $400 on the action replay.
Harry Black, Australia's
greatest receiver of stolen goods, was killed today.
He fell off the back of a truck.
Sydney police wish to alert the
public about the activities of the infamous cross-eyed burglar.
If you see this man staring in your windows, warn the people next
The headstone read "Here
lies the body of Sir Thomas Parker,
an Englishman and a gentleman'
"Not likely", said the Aussie, "No gentleman would
ever be buried
with a Pommy."
Aussie Joe was having a beer
with his mate Brian.
"If you don't mind me saying, Joe", said Brian.
"you should draw your bedroom curtains at night, I walked
past your place
and saw you in bed with your wife".
"ha, ha, ha',said Joe, "the jokes on you, I wasn't
even home last night !".
Trivia Time
Only buy a used car when its new.
Always wear a hat, you'll know where to stop when you wash your face.
To brainwash an Aussie, use an ENEMA.
Why wasn't Jesus born in Australia?..........They couldn't find a virgin or three wise men.
Why do Australians call their beer xxxx ?..............Because they can't spell beer.
The Australians are a very elite race.............selected by the best judges in England.
Do you know why Australians wear thongs ?.........'cos they don't know how to tie their shoelaces.
If a field full of Irishmen is
called a Paddy Field..........What is a field full of Aussies
A Vacant Lot